The Fargo Phantom
Watch The Fargo Phantom (1950) : Full Movie Online Free This entry in Universal's series of "Musical Westerns" shorts has Tex Williams, assisted by Deuce Spriggins and Smokey Rogers, bringing his six guns, fists and singing abilities against a gang of stage-robbing bandits. This film was combined with another Tex Williams short, Coyote Canyon, and reissued as the feature-length "Tales of the West No.2.)
Production Company: Universal Pictures, Universal International Pictures
Release: Feb 09, 1950
Production Countries: United States of America
Quality: HD
Casts: Tex Williams, Smokey Rogers, Deuce Spriggins, Shirley Ballard, Forrest Taylor, Stark Bishop, Monte Montague, Chuck Hayward, Ray Jones, Robert A. O'Neil
The Jackals
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Smoky Mountain Melody
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