The Demise of ETA
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The Demise of ETA

Watch The Demise of ETA (2017) : Full Movie Online Free The chronicle of the process, ten long years, that led to the end of ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna), a Basque terrorist gang that perpetrated robberies, kidnappings and murders in Spain and the French Basque Country for more than fifty years. Almost 1,000 people died, but others are still alive to tell the story of how the nightmare finally ended.

Genre: ,

Production Company: Quality Media Producciones, JWProductions, CMM, RTPA, Baleuko, EiTB, Canal Sur, Prisa Video, IB3, TV3

Release: Jan 27, 2017

Production Countries: Spain

Quality: HD

Rating: 5.9

Casts: Jesús Eguiguren, Arnaldo Otegi, Peio Rubio, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, Martin Griffiths, Jaime Mayor Oreja, Alfonso Sánchez, Fermín Sánchez, Pablo Martín Alonso, Maixabel Lasa, Miguel Valverde

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